Ultimate spiderman pc steam
Ultimate spiderman pc steam

ultimate spiderman pc steam

Insomniac Games is also working on Marvel's Wolverine which is expected to arrive sometime after the Spider-Man sequel. With Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on the way, it's likely they'll continue to make massive strides on a commercial level and hopefully sustain its streak of hits with critics. Although the series is coming to PC later this year, the fact they were able to find so much success with the character on PlayStation alone speaks volumes about the work Insomniac did for the character. For comparison's sake, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare sold 30 million copies on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC and it's one of the biggest franchises out there. This is no small feat for just two games, the earliest of which released less than four years ago, that are confined to one platform.

ultimate spiderman pc steam

Following the news that Sony was bringing Marvel's Spider-Man to PC, Insomniac Games confirmed via the PlayStation Blog that the first two entries in the series, Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, have sold 33 million copies.

Ultimate spiderman pc steam